Exhibitors 2018

Result for TAG "Music & Sound"

Daniele Colasimone, Emiliano Furfaro
Hi-End Vacuum tube Audio Systems

Audiolino team
A new standalone DSP board with ready to use audio effects with MIDI control.

special-designed hi-tech music eco-chair for body-wellness & music-therapy

Bare Conductive
Empowering the integration of electronics into the environment.

Daniele Orisio, 4An, IIS "G. Marconi", Dalmine (BG)
DMX over light is a lighting system which can be used in teaters or discos for esibitions and parties.

Musictech SNC
The new DUAL LINK DIGIBEAT accordion has characteristics of the DIGITAL BOX but with a section of Arrangements and Rhythms incorporated

hArt is a robot / painter that is capable of translating music and the environment into abstract designs.

IED - Istituto Europeo di Design
An international school of excellence, 100% Made in Italy, that offers undergraduate, advanced and Master’s courses. A powerhouse of ideas where new generati …

ITmakES è un progetto avviato dall'Ambasciata d’Italia a Madrid per sviluppare nuovi canali di dialogo tra l’Italia e la Spagna e permettere ai makers di avviare progetti congiunti, mettendo in rete creatività, esperienze e “saper fare”.
ITmakES is a project by the Italian Embassy and Consulate in Spain on innovation and responsible entrepreneurial cooperation. The Fab Linkage focuses on digital fabrication and making.

Ovidiu Sandru
It makes watching movies on the ceiling totally possible, in under 1 minute.

Arturo Moleti, Renata Sisto, Luigi Cerini, Filippo Sanjust
Measuring otoacoustic emissions, i.e., acoustic signals generated by the human cochlea, which provide sensitive diagnostics of the hearing function

Classe IVEA, I.I.S " C. Rosatelli" di Rieti, studenti: Amine Ahardane e Greco Lorenzo
MixTap is a musical game that entertains kids. They can measure the speed of response to audiovisual stimuli

Damanhur - Federazione di Comunità
The Music of the Plants device is based on a biofeedback system, that measures the bio frequency of the plants.

Platform and controller which, through tactile and acoustic feedbacks, provide to the blind an immersive game experience and access to digital world.

Silvio Scena
Modular Musical Instrument. Each module (1 octave, 12 dynamic keys ) can be used individually in stand-alone mode or assembled with others composing a full piano keyboard. The same object can be used for studio writing or recording, then musicians can use 1 or 2 octaves, or for live performances, then they can use 7/8 octaves. The modularity of the tool reduces its size, and thus favors the transportability. The electronics of each item is based on a arduino uno card. The prototype is composed by 4 octaves.

Edoardo Taori
Plants Play is the first wearable device that allows you to listen to the music generated by plants and trees straightaway on your smartphone. By means of two sensors set on the leaves, Plants Play turns its electrical variations into music, which can be sent via bluetooth to the downloadable app for Smartphones, iOS's and Androids in a jiffy.

Ivano Pelicella, Clemente Di Caprio
Ultramic384k is an ultrasonic USB microphone and an unattended recorder with scheduling and trigger capability.

RS Components
RS Components serves over one million customers and offers with more than 500,000 products in our online store. We have everything you need to build awesome p …

At this year's Maker Faire show in Rome, the Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corp and Sony Developer Program team present the new Spresense IoT development board. …

Marco Bertola, Marco Re, Gianluca Susi
The projects are devoted to the control of electronic instruments by using the Kinect controller or by using an electronic glove or vice versa the detection of the musician groove by using an electronic glove

Fabio Ballanti, Vito Errico, Giovanni Saggio
SoundGlove is a glove equipped with pressure sensors, strain gauges and gyroscope to play a virtual piano

Lorenzo De Luca with FabLab Belluno
Open Source stereo hi-fi Based on Volumio and Raspberry Pi, with web radio, music from USB, Spotify and Spotify connect
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am